Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Firenze for a day

And two nights. First, I don't know why we call it Florence, Firenze is much spicier and alluring. Got in last night just before 10pm (that's 22:00 local)and realized that every resource for info was closed. Yikes. I had found the address and rudimentary directions to the Il Granduca Hotel while on the train via blackberry but had no idea where to walk after alighting from the bus. I bought a ticket at the nearest tabacci only to be informed he was out of maps. I then proceeded to find a phone...

Some dick English guy that was smoking in the street & has the glorious job of night attendant at a shithole near the train & bus depot asked me if I needed a room. I explained my predicament and he told me that I could not use the phone visable just inside the door. He also offered that I had really far to walk. I asked where the local public phone was, knowing there was one accross the street at the depot, and he tried to send me 4 blocks. Jerk.at this point I was famished and tired so I gave up on saving money, went back to the station, & grabbed a cab.

Got to the hotel for much less than anticipated- turns out it wasn't so far- and they were expecting me. Nice. The woman at the counter spoke no English,Spanish, or French (what the hell!?)so we did a little gesturing, I did a lot of belly rubbing and fake eating till she finally blurted out:pizzaria! thank god. She got out a map & drew the locale- just a block & turn away. I can only imagine what would have happened had I succeeded in calling the hotel- I would have gotten nowhere and likely missed dinner.

i'm at the edge of the city centre,hence no map in the guidebook, and little English. When I got to the pizzaria they spoke no English, & limited Spanish but aimed to please. I got a pie to go and was brave enough in tongue to inquire about wine para llevar. SCORE!the old dude whipped out an empty glass water bottle & siphon, blessing me with a liter of red to go. The pie was awesome- margherita with ruccollo & fat shavings of asiago all over. I returned to my temporary home, feasted, and passed out.

That's it for today, more on the last of Madrid, all of Venice, today in Firenze, and maps tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anonymous here, aka your mother since i don't know how to use this damn blogger identity thingy. I am loving keeping up w/your journey and feel your hunger. Traveling the Europe is a job in its self, always on the go. Do take some down time at the right place. You'll know where that is the minute you feel a calm and peacefulness about you. ALL MY LOVE MUM